I hope our Holy Papa has led you here to read my blog on this most blessed day that He has made. It's very important to let Daddy lead us. We shouldn't do ANYTHING without his gracious, loving guidance.
So, if the Lord has led you here, then it is because he has also given you a heart of compassion, of charity, of overwhelming generosity. A willingness to take on others' responsibilities for no good reason whatsoever. And that's good, my brothers and sisters. So, so good.
You see, I am struggling under a financial burden. This burden is not due to unavoidable illness or a tragedy of some kind... It's because of a series of choices that I myself made, none of which was to get a job and keep it. And those choices were not of God. I admit that. But I have been a martyr for frugality. A champion of self-restraint. I haven't used a credit card in nearly a decade. If I can't afford the ill-conceived and poorly done tattoos I want, I take money that could have gone towards debt or savings so I can get my body repeatedly stabbed with a needle. I let my friends buy my drinks for me, even when it's one of those friends' birthday and I ordered said drinks despite complaining about not having any money immediately upon my arrival at the birthday celebration. I do these things only be GRACE, FAITH, and LOVE. I am so blessed by Papa to be strong enough to not get a job and ask for charity instead. It takes IMMENSE STRENGTH and HOLY CONFIDENCE to remain unemployed. And it takes HUMILITY to ask for money from my friends who are more fortunate, diligent, and hard-working than me.
So, what I'm getting at is this: if Papa puts it on your hearts -- and I feel supremely confident that He has after hours of passionate prayer -- to give to me in my time of need, please do. Even a little bit helps (but a lot helps even more!!!). It would be so so good if you could pay off my debt for me without me having to actually work for any of the money myself. Also, if the Lord additionally leads you to pay my rent for me, I think you should listen to Him. It's not wise to go against the call of Daddy! We should always keep an open ear to His pleas for us to help our brothers and sisters in Christ.
I have faith that you can help me in my ministry of not doing any work while others do it and hand me the fruits of their labors. You all know how my ministry stems so much from hanging out, getting tattoos, and not getting a job. And if my financial struggles get much worse, I might have to ACTUALLY WORK TO SUPPORT MYSELF AND MY FAMILY. I hope you feel as strongly as I do that that doesn't need to happen.
I love you guys, and your generous hearts. And you know Papa REALLY loves your generous hearts. And He wants you to display them by giving me money.
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